Monday, 14 November 2011

Constructive Teaching

Lesson of the day is Teaching Unit. We had learnt ‘Constructive Teaching’ (Pengajaran Konstrutivisme). As a teacher, this is important for us to refer before we teach. The principles under constructive teaching re needed to make sure the teaching and learning process successful. The principles are proven by philosopher under their theory of teaching such as John Dewey, Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky and Jerome Bruner.

Principles for constructive teaching include:
-  Learning is continuous and active process.
-  Learning involves mentality and socialite activities.
 Language is involves in learning.
 Learning must have context. 
- Students need knowledge to learn.
-  Learning requires sufficient time as well. 
- Mettacognitive (awareness and the ability to control the thought process of the time learning) and motivation is an important component in the learning process.

The sequence of four phases of instruction

1. Beginning
          Teachers relate previous studies with new ideas.
          Teachers uncover students' where students are given the opportunity to present and reflect the ideas.
          Restructuring students’ misconception.
          Provide interaction between students and teachers to the construction of scientific knowledge.

2. Structuring
          Building new scientific ideas.
    Restructuring of existing knowledge so that students can be more in line with the   scientific ideas.
          Solve students’ misconception problems.
          Presenting new ideas to relate to the student experience.
          Continuously assess students' understanding.

3. Application of ideas
            •          Apply the knowledge for different situations.
            •          Challenge and expand students' understanding of concepts.
            •          Enhance critical and creative thinking skills.
            •          Using broad strategies such as solve problems and make decisions.

4. Reflection 
           •          Comparing prior concept and misconception of students with the knowledge built
           •          Summarizes what has been learned
           •          Review what should be achieved and then assess the learning outcomes
           •          Asking students to make inferences and to reflect on their overall learning experience
          •          Associate with the coming lessons and homework 

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