Today, Dr. Nurul gave us the definition of the education term that we are going to use them frequently for our lessons later and the relationship between the terms. These terms include:-
Education (Pendidikan) : Process by which students could learn something in order to develop himself in a holistic manner. Can be in formal, non-formal, and informal.
Instruction (Instruksi) : Facilitate the process of learning to the objectives either by teachers or by other means.
Teaching (Pengajaran): Teacher’s action which will facilitate the learning process.
Technology (Teknologi): Set of tools and resources to help solve the problems of adaptation faced by people in their surroundings.
Assessment (Penaksiran): Process of collecting data on what students understand and their ability.
Learning (Pembelajaran): The process to build and acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values that can be applied.
Development (Pembangunan) : The adding of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values from more specific levels to more general. Development is time consuming together with a lot of learning experience and maturity.
We also at the same time being exposed to the Advanced Organizer KWHL which helps us to understand better about the topic that we are going to learn. Such organizer can be draw as the table below:-
What you Know | What you Want to know | How to find out | What you Learned |
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