Thursday, 22 September 2011

The Principles of Constructivism

We were request to form small groups and to create a model of ‘The principles of Constructivism’. We were given the opportunity to search through the net in order to understand the principles better. However, none of us managed to build up the model correctly. This is because we never learnt such principles before and the time given to construct the model is not enough. Most of us used the time given to search for the term under ‘The principles of Constructivism’. This is a good exercise for us as we tried to construct a model with principles that we actually don’t even know what it is and we helped each other in understanding the principles thereby the relationship in between us become closer.
            Through the internet we learnt that ‘The principles of Constructivism’ is found by Caine dan Caine (1991) and there and total of 12 principles that is need to be taking as consideration under this principle. According principle of Constructivism the process of learning and education (P&P) is based on the premise of cognition (learning) as the result of "mental construction". In other words, students learn by combining new information with their prior knowledge. For example, students learnt what is chair when they were young. If today we let them see a gold chair, they will still consider the gold chair as chair but not gold. This is because we tend to adapt what we learn with our prior knowledge. Members assert that constructivist learning is influenced by the context of an idea is taught and students' beliefs and attitudes. In order to know this principles better, you can always refer to or .

Concept in Education Field

Today, Dr. Nurul gave us the definition of the education term that we are going to use them frequently for our lessons later and the relationship between the terms. These terms include:-
*      Education (Pendidikan) : Process by which students could learn something in order to develop      himself in a holistic manner. Can be in formal, non-formal, and informal.
*      Instruction (Instruksi) : Facilitate the process of learning to the objectives either by teachers or by other means.
*      Teaching (Pengajaran): Teacher’s action which will facilitate the learning process.
*     Technology (Teknologi): Set of tools and resources to help solve the problems of adaptation faced by people in their surroundings.
*      Assessment (Penaksiran): Process of collecting data on what students understand and their ability.
*  Learning (Pembelajaran): The process to build and acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values ​​that can be applied.
* Development (Pembangunan) : The adding of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values ​​from more specific levels to more general. Development is time consuming together with a lot of learning experience and maturity.

We also at the same time being exposed to the Advanced Organizer KWHL which helps us to understand better about the topic that we are going to learn. Such organizer can be draw as the table below:-
What you Know
What you Want to know
How to find out
What you Learned

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Assessment Based Learning

Since our course is named of Instruction, Technology and Assessment, we tried to capture what we are going to learn from this course. Assessment means we collect data on what students understand and what is their ability. The purpose we collect data is to know how well is the student and what an educator can do in order to push up the students’ performance. That is a closed-relationship between instruction and assessment. After understand the meaning, I think this course is aiming us for how to teach our future students by using ICT with assessment being done time by time. Definition of term of assessment can be refer by

There are several ways for educators to do assessment such as asking students questions, giving quiz, having time for student questioning, having presentation, doing class activities and etc. This also means that nowadays students learn by using Assessment Based Learning method. It can be divide into two categorizes which is peer assessment (group assessment) and self assessment (individual assessment).  Rubric is the measurement to collecting data from the students.  

21st century skill

On 12 Sept, I had learnt from Dr. Nurulhuda about some term of Education. I was being explored to the Paradigm Shift, Assessment Based Learning and 21st Century Skills.  Paradigm Shift also known as revolutionary science and according to Thomas Kuhn, ‘paradigm’ is whatever ideas that being shared by the members of a scientific community. It is a contrast of normal science. More info can go to and
            21st Century Skill includes strong academic skills, thinking, reasoning, teamwork skills, and proficiency in using technology. Further understanding can refer to 

Monday, 12 September 2011

nuclear physic politics


Energy is the capacity to do work. We cannot ‘see’ energy, but we can feel the effects of energy. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only be transfer from one form to another form. For example, we change chemical energy to heat or from wind energy to electrical energy. Without energy, human cannot do anything as we eat to obtain energy to carry out activities such as walking and breathing. Therefore, energy is very important for all the living things to survive.
We can classify energy into renewable energy and non-renewable energy. Examples of renewable energies are solar energy and wind energy while non-renewable energies are natural gas and petroleum. Since we depend on non-renewable energy to carry our daily activities like for vehicles moving therefore we need to do find an alternative energy resources to replace the non-renewable energy so that we will not suffer from the effects of energy shortage.
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