Saturday, 15 October 2011

The Big Day ( Debate & Seminar)

           This week is the “big day” for the students of AT 12 who are taking course KPD 3016. We were being separate into 5 small groups to do our researched regarding nuclear power. Each group will later come out their opinion towards the idea of using nuclear power to become an alternative way to replace petroleum and charcoal in generating energy. This is because petroleum, charcoal and natural gas are non-renewable energy resources. After the hard work of searching information, interviewing nuclear expert, sharing ideas through the internet as well as do survey from the public, my group decided to accept the idea of using nuclear power to generate energy.
            Later our group started to discuss with other group members to seek the groups who having the same opinion with us then we combined together to form a bigger group. This time we were separate into two parties: the government (agree) and the public (disagree) and together we shared our ideas, discussing and sharing information with each others before our debate. We then picked two of the members to represent “the government” for debating on 3 of October. The same happened for the disagree party. I really enjoyed the time together with my friends.
During the debate, the relationships between both parties were very strengthening at that time. Many ideas were expressed out which really amaze me. However, the debate did not really affect our relationship in fact become closer. The debate is just to express our point of view which makes us think differently and neither winner nor loser for this debate. I think nuclear energy having very high efficiency but at the same time also causing many problems therefore researched still needed.
The next day is our seminar where all of the groups send their representative to present their result of survey. We also invite Mr. Fairuz, representative of Malaysia Nuclear Agency. This seminar is open for all the students of UPSI, unfortunately the respond is not as good as expected, only a few students turned up for the seminar. But many lecturers do came for the seminar especially from our faculty (Faculty of Science and Mathematics). Maybe this is because the exposure of public towards nuclear issues still very low and their mind is being narrow as the public were being brainwash by the disaster in Japan which their nuclear power plant were exposure due to earthquake. Anyway, I do hope there will have an alternative way in solving the problem or come out with another better alternative in replacing petroleum in generating energy.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Scientific Skills

   Lesson of the day is ‘Scientific Skills’ (Kemahiran Saintifik). It is the scale to carry out science activities. Scientific skills include of ‘Science Processing Skills’ (Kemahiran Proses Sains)  and ‘Science Manipulative Skills’ (Kemahiran Manipulatif Sains). We can understand scientific skills better through the mind-map below where I linked all the terms above together. Of course i make this by seeking some web site, perhaps you can check through too. The web site:

Model of Teaching

Today we learned about model of teaching. There are 2 types of teaching that are ‘Teacher Based Teaching’ and ‘Student Based Teaching’. We can see the different between them by using the table below:-
Teacher Based Teaching
Student Based Teaching
           -Tendency for students making choices is low.
               -  Students are passive.
       - Authority is on teachers.
       - Focus on curriculum context.

   -Teacher giving the data to the students. Students are receiver.

            -   Education is in dependents mode.

    -The teaching process is more structure and systematic.
            - Tendency for students making choices is high.
             -Students are active.
             -Authority is on students.
          -Focus on both curriculum context and learning process.
    -Teacher showing ways to solve problem. Students solve the problems themselves.
        -Education is in both dependent and independent mode.
          - The teaching process is less structure.

We also learned about ‘Goal’ (matlamat) and ‘Objective’ (objektif) where we used to confuse between these two terms. Goal is long term process while objective is short term process. We need to success our objectives first before archive our goals. Table below is useful to differentiate between them.
Goal (Matlamat)
Objective (Objektif)
*      Aims that need to be archive in longer period of time.
*      Less structure needed.
*      Difficult to judge is the aims archive hence the achievement of goals cannot be known.
*      Aims that need to be archive shortly through steps-by-steps.
*      More structure.
*      Easier to judge is the aims archive and achievement of objective is surely.
“Goals without objectives can never be accomplished while objectives without goals will never get you to where you want to be”
           ‘Learning Outcome’ is a statement to know the achievements of knowledge (pengetahuan), skills (kemahiran), attitude (sikap) and the value (nilai) after teaching process. There are five components under learning outcome including ‘frasa merujuk kumpulan sasaran’, ‘kata kerja aktif’, ‘objek bagi kata kerja’, ‘konteks/ keadaan’ and ‘standard/ kriteria’. After learning from Dr. Nurul, I decided to manage these components in tables to smoothen what I had learned. I use Malay to present them as I do not know the term in English; however I tried to give the example in both Malay and English.


1.      Frasa merujuk kumpulan sasaran
·         Pada akhir pelajaran, pelajar dapat…
·         Selepas unit ini, pelajar boleh…
(In the end of the lesson, students can…)

2.      Kata kerja aktif
·         Mendefinisi, menganalisis, melukis, menyatakan, menyelesaikan masalah, menyenaraikan, mengukur dsb
(Giving definition, analysis, draw, state, solve, list, measure etc)

3.      Objek bagi kata kerja
-Menujuk tindakan ke atas apa
  (Action upon what)

·         Mendefinisi inersia
(Giving definition of inertia)
·         Melukis litar elektik
(Draw electric circuit)

4.      Konteks/ Keadaan
-Menyatakan dalam konteks apa atau   bagaimana tindakan itu dilakukan
(Stating how the action being done)

·         Mengukur lebar blok kayu dengan pembaris
( Measure the width of wood block)

5.      Standard/ Kriteria
-Tahap kualiti yang diinginkan atau yang patut dicapai
( The qualification that needed or should be archieve)

·         Member jawapan sehingga tiga angka bererti
(Give the answer until three significant figure)

This is my example of learning outcome using all of the components:
·        - After the activities, students can measure the length, width and height of the wooden block by using Venire Caliper until two decimal places.
·      - In the end of lesson, students manage to define the term of Coulomb’s Law by using their own words correctly.
·      - After the experiment, students can calculate the acceleration of gravity for the objects that undergo free fall with different masses and express the answer in three significant figures.
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